Vertigo: Dizzy Seven Roving - Vertigo can be classified as a form of disruption or disturbance of the balance of the orientation of the room. The term is often used by laymen are: headache, stagger, Dizzy/lightheaded seven roving, a sense of floating, head feels a sense of drift, lightly. Vertigo need to understand as it is a complaint number three most often expressed by the sufferer who came into common practice, even old people aged over 75 years, 50% came to the doctor with complaints of dizziness.
The vertigo of vertere, meaning play Greece (2). The sense of vertigo is a sensation of movement or feeling: the motion of the body or the surrounding environment, it can be accompanied by other symptoms, particularly due to disruption of network otonomic balance device of the body. Vertigo (often also called dizzy rotating, or dizzy seven-round) is a condition where a person feel giddy coupled rotating or spinning while the environment feels that people are not moving.
This disorder occurs due to a disturbance of the balance of both central or peripheral, abnormality on ear often cause vertigo. To determine the cause of vertigo, a doctor of ENT-TOS will generally pre-screen ENG (elektronistagmografi).
The Symptoms Of Vertigo
The sufferer feels as if he is moving or spinning; sufferers feel as if the object or around moving or spinning.

Diagnosis Of Vertigo
Before starting treatment, must be specified the nature and causes of vertigo.
Abnormal eye movements show the presence of abnormalities in the function section in the ear or the nerves that connect it to the brain. Eye movement is Nistagmus quickly from left to right or from top to bottom. The direction of movement can be helpful in establishing the diagnosis. Nistagmus can be stimulated by moving the Chief sufferers suddenly or with cold water shed into teling.
To test the balance, the patient is asked to stand and then walked in a straight line, originally with open eyes, and then with eyes closed.
Hearing tests can determine the existence of the disorder often ear affecting balance and hearing.
Other checks is a CT scan or MRI of the head, which can show abnormalities of bone or tumor that hit a nerve.
If an infection is suspected, could have taken a sample of fluid from the ear or sinus or of the spine.
If there are suspected decrease in blood flow to the brain, then performed an angiogram, an examination to see blockage in the blood vessels leading to the brain.
The Treatment Of Vertigo
Treatment depends on the cause.
Drugs for reducing vertigo light is meklizin, dimenhidrinat, perfenazin and skopolamin.
Skopolamin mainly serves to prevent motion sickness, which is in the form of an old leather with plaster work for several days. All of the above medications can cause drowsiness, especially at the ripe old age. Skopolamin in the form of plaster caused the effect sleepiness that is at least.