Download Remove 7 Watermark.exe (for Windows 7 Build 7000)Download Remove 7 Watermark.exe (for Windows 7 Build 6956)Run the Remove 7 Watermark.exe as administrator. Restart the computer to make the change effective after successful patching. The script only supports English (en-US) Windows 7.
Tip: If the batch script above doesn’t work, try out Remove Watermark automated patches, which supports all languages and all Windows versions.
When running, the script will install a patched version of user32.dll.mui after making the backup of original user32.dll.mui to user32.dll.mui in %systemdrive%\User32Backup\ folder and user32.dll.mui.bak in %windir%\System32\en-US\ foder. So, to uninstall the patch and reset or restore the watermark, just copy or rename back the file to original location or name.
There is another hack to remove Send Feedback link on the title bar of all windows in Windows 7.