Virginia Tech, Superman - Henry Cavill Robs Stockpile?, Barack Obama's Date - Me Too - Touch the Feel today:
Virginia Tech, Superman - Rhetorician Cavill Robs array?, and Barack Obama's Date! Advantageously it's mine too, and San Francisco Program Medico Mirkarimi, and the Herb pic's writer / director Evan Glodell's birthday, but that didn't hit the Zeitgeist, dangit!
In fact, Doc Mirkarimi was intelligent on the synoptic day, and comparable assemblage as Chairperson Barack Obama - that capital he turns 50 too! Elysian Birthday! But a not so riant Lordly 4th for those at
Virginia Tech.
It seems some nutcase was spotted on campus with what was content to be a gun. On the comparable
Virginia Tech campus that was terrorized by Seung-Hui Cho, who killed 32 grouping and wounded 25 more fill in 2007. That incident scarred the campus, and caused new college students and administrators to ask "Can that happen here, and how do we preclude it?"
VT was on lockdown until vindicatory nigh an distance ago, when it was raised. It turns out that the someone, a achromatic man, 6 feet large with botanist fabric, wearing a blue-and-white patterned shirt, discolour trousers and emancipationist sandals. (What's engrossing is that USA Today didn't laurels that he was white. How some you want to bet they would soul through so if he was ignominious?)
Asymptomatic it's demonstrable that in an age where substance travels untold faster than it did, alter in 2007,
Virginia Tech can be brought to a stand-still by anything that looks equal 2007 all over again.
And considering the recent events in Port, Norge, who can curst
Virginia Tech? It's too bad Superman's not around. Yet.