Sure you and cyst-cyst never tasted such thing as
instant noodles right? , Ko would ever try it?, "What?? u ever try?" oh god .. or cyst you live where it?,, maybe g have time to make money to buy it, so say never tried .. Hoho ..
I was just kidding .. . Nach, this time I will discuss about
Behind the pleasures are many false perceptions that circulate around the
instant noodle. Follow the explanations
Prof.Dr.FGWinarno, former
President of the Codex International & Chairman of the Board of Experts PIPIMM (Product Information Center for Food and Beverage Industry) on
instant noodles:
instant noodles contain wax. Therefore, when cooked the water is yellow.
Fact: WRONG.
Instant noodles do not use candles. Candles is an inert compound to protect food quickly so as not to wet and rot. Candles actually exist in natural foods, such as apet / cabbage. Cabbage if washed with water wet indirect, or apples that if the brush will be shiny. That's the wax that was created by nature.
A method of two separate water is the best way to cook noodlesFact: On the first noodle cooking water containing high content of takaroten. All the vitamins (from oil and spices) are soluble in water contained in the cooking water when cooking the noodles first. When the water boiled in a new dressing with boiled water, all the vitamins disappear.
In addition, minyaklah who make noodles (or other foods) is more delicious. So the first cooking water does not need to be discarded. And beta-carotene content in the oil tecoferol also very useful to meet the nutritional needs
The use of styrofoam harmful to health, especially if the styrofoam exposed to hot water, such as cooking instant noodles in a cup.
Styrofoam cups for instant noodles proven to be safe in use, because it has passed the standard
Agency for Food and Drug Administration.
Cup of instant noodles are used exclusively for
food styrofoam. He was able to absorb heat, has proved once brewed hot water, no was hot in the hand when dipegang.mitos
But because the process pressingnya meet the standards, does not cause the molecules dissolve styrofoam (loss), together with
instant noodles in hot water brewed. So, if all this worry with
instant noodles stick to the brewed cupnya when in hot water, solely due to the high oil content in
the noodles (about 20%). The design was made different by adding serrations on the upper cup, so that indirect heat at hand.
In addition, the expandable polysteren that
the use of instant noodle has passed through the research BPOM cp and the Japan Environment Agency therefore qualify for packing food products. Based on the research they will be, this packaging is safe to use.
instant noodles are chewy as rubber raw material.
Fact: There is absolutely no raw rubber material in the
instant noodle.
Instant noodle made from high quality materials and the best option as already notification flour with iron, zinc,
vitamin B1, B2 and folic acid.
Similarly, spices, namely red onion, red pepper, garlic, and spices. Making any serious tilled. Passing through the drying process has been described previously, such as hot air drying or deep frying. That's why the instant noodles chewy and not easily broken.
instant noodles can damage the body;
Fact: that the
factOther ingredients to watch out for are:
Spices and complementarySpices used include
MSG or MSG. The critical point is on microbial media, which is the medium used to replicate the function of microorganisms ferment the raw materials MSG. While the noodles are complementary materials materials penggurih namely HVP and yeast extract. HVP or hidrolized vegetable protein is a type of protein that dihidrolisasi with hydrochloric acid or with enzymes. Source of this enzyme that we must question whether it comes from animals, plants or microorganisms. If animals must be clear what and how penyembelihannya animal. While the yeast extract that became the tipping point is an amino acid derived from animals.
2. Material flavor enhancer
Flavor or flavor enhancer material is always used in
the manufacture of instant noodle. This material will give a sense of noodles, whether
garlic chicken,
grilled chicken,
curry chicken, chicken soup, meatballs, barbequ, and so forth. The critical point is located at the source of flavor flavor. If the flavor from animal sources, would have to clear type and how
slaughter. Likewise flavor that comes from hair or other parts of the human body, its status is unlawful.
note: the illustrations intentionally did not use the example of instant noodles on the market.