Bao was born in a family of scholars in Luzhou (now
Anhui province). Life was originally much affect his personality. His parents even live from hand to mouth, but still able menyekolahkannya well. When he was conceived, his mother often spotty mountain to collect firewood. In the village he had many friends with the common people so that he understands the burden of life and their problems. This makes them
hate corruption and are determined to uphold justice and honesty. People who have a big impact on his life is Liu Yun, an official of the judiciary in Luzhou, an official who specializes in poetry and literature as well as fair and hate crimes. He is also one that respects the intellectual and aptitude Bao. Under the influence of Liu, Bao is determined to give his loyalty to the kingdom and his love of country and folk.
At the age of 29 years, he passed the exam kingdom under the highest level of direct examination of the emperors until the title Jinshi. Appropriate laws and regulations when it is said that a scholar may be appointed Jinshi occupy important positions in government, then Bao was appointed as a judicial officer heads
the District Jianchang. But he resigned shortly thereafter because of a dutiful child she chose to return home to care for parents who are old and weak for the past ten years. Only after the death of his parents, he was re-appointed as an officer, this time as a judicial officer Tianchang Province. At the time he was 40 years old.

As an official, Bao work with fair, brave, and holding on to truth. Intelligence and talent make many people amazed, including Emperor Song Renzong who promote them and give them important positions, including as a judge in Bian (now Kaifeng),
the capital of Song Dynasty. He was known for his uncompromising stance against corruption among government officials at that time. He even refused to uphold justice are subject to a higher power from it when it does not really belong to Professor Pang, emperor's father-in-law who are also great teachers who guided the crown prince so highly regarded Pang Bao as an enemy.

History records that for about 30 years since he held the positions of the first time, a total of more than 30 high officials including several ministers have been sacked or demoted him for alleged corruption, collusion, dereliction of duty, and others. He was sticking to its establishment and will not give up as long as it deems appropriate truth. Six times he reported to the emperor and asked him to fire senior officials,
Zhang Yaozhuo, uncle of the concubines of the royal class, seven times to fire Wang Kui, other high officials of the emperor's confidence, he even had some time to persuade the emperor to dismiss the prime minister Song Yang . In his capacity as interpreter he was always successful royal censor convince the emperor without bringing trouble for himself, even though many interpreters in the history of censorship has experienced bad luck, such as Sima Qian, historian and
philosopher of the Han Dynasty Emperor Han Wudi castrated because could not accept his opinion.

In government, a close friend is
the uncle of Emperor Zhao Defang better known by the name of the prince to eight (
Ba Wang Ye). Among the people,
Bao Zheng was known as a fair and courageous judge decide everything based on justice without fear, is also able to distinguish what is right and wrong. To him anyone, including close relatives of the emperor even be punished if proven guilty of any wrongdoing. Bao died in 1062 and was buried in his family tomb in Hefei, the city also built a shrine to remember.

Bao Zheng adorn many works of literature in Chinese history, the legendary life story is often featured in opera and drama, most of these stories dramatized. In the opera he is usually portrayed as a bearded man with a black face and a crescent-shaped birthmark on his forehead (some versions say this sign comes from the wound when he was saluted with very hard on her mother to show devotion).