Does the word "
fart" should be replaced by the word "
whistle" to be more polite sounding, certainly not impossible.
Fart is fart and can not be refined based on analysis of Indonesian dipersopan especially Boso Jowo. perhaps more language capable of friends there who knows?
Of gas in the intestines. Gas in the gut comes from air we swallow, who broke into the intestines from the blood, gas and gas from the chemical reaction of the bacteria in the stomach.
Varied. The more air you swallow, the more levels of nitrogen in the gas (oxygen from the air absorbed by the body before it reaches the intestine). The presence of bacteria and chemical reactions between stomach acid and intestinal fluids to produce carbon dioxide. The bacteria also produce methane and hydrogen. The proportion of each gas depending on what you eat, how much air you swallowed, the type of bacteria in the gut, how long we hold fart. The longer withstand wind, the greater the proportion of nitrogen, because the other gases absorbed by the blood through the intestinal wall. People who eat in a hurry oxygen levels in fart more because his body could not absorb oxygen. (So do not like to stifle a fart).
Fart smell because the content of hydrogen sulfide and mercaptan. Both these compounds containing sulfur (sulfur). The more sulfur content in your food, the more sulfides and mercaptan produced by bacteria in the stomach, & the more you fart busuklah. Egg & meat has a big role in producing the smell of rotten fart. Legumes play a role in producing the volume of farts, not in kebusukannya.
Due to the vibration of the anus when gas is produced. The severity depends on the speed of sound of gas. (And your anus hole diameter, hihihi)
One source of fart is a bacterium. Bacterial fermentation and digestion processes produce heat, the gas side is rotten. Gas bubble size is smaller, warm and saturated with bacterial metabolic products noisome. It later became a fart, though only a small volume, but the SBD (Silent But Deadly).
The average half-liter a day in 14 times fart.
Because of its density is lighter, why do not fart gas to travel upward? Not so. Intestinal peristalsis push it downward. Pressure around the lower rectum. Intestinal peristalsis make room becomes pressurized, forcing the contents of the intestine, including its gas to move into supervision which lower pressure, which is around the anus. On the way to the anus, small bubbles join a large bubble. If there was no peristalsis, the gas bubbles will break through to the top again, but not too much, because the intestine which form complex and convoluted. (Imagine if farts out of the nostrils).
Depending on the condition of the air, like humidity, temperature, wind speed & direction, fart gas molecular weight, the distance between 'transmitter' with 'receiver'. Once leaving the source, spread fart gas concentration is reduced. If
the fart is not detected within a few seconds, it means having the dilution in the air and disappeared into the air forever. Except if you fart in a cramped space, such as elevators, cars, more concentration, so the smell would stay in a long time until finally absorbed by the wall.
Certainly, if still alive. Shortly after meninggalpun people can still fart. (So do not be ashamed if often fart)
Nothing to do with gender .. If true, it means that women hold farts, fart a lot and now a distinguished number is issued. (That's why women are more smelly fart)
In the morning on the toilet. the so-called "morning thunder". If the resonance is good, can be sounded throughout the house
Nuts contain sugars that the body can not digest. Tsb sugar (raffinose, stachiose, erbascose) if it reaches the colon, bacteria in the gut immediately feasted and made a lot of gas. Corn, peppers, cabbage, cauliflower, milk also causes a lot of farting (no smell!).
Swallowed air, eat in a hurry, eat without chewing, drinking soft drinks, a plane (because of lower air pressure, so that the gas in the gut expanded and emerged as a fart).
No. burp emerges from the abdomen, another chemical composition with fart. Saltpeter contain more air, gas containing gas produced by bacteria more.
Not absorbed blood, not disappeared because the leak .. but migrate to the top to the intestine and in turn will be out as well. So it's not gone, but only postponed.
Could be. Farts contain methane, a combustible hydrogen (natural gas containing these components as well). When burned, its flame is blue because the content of the element hydrogen. (Kalo climbed mountains, forget to bring a book of matches but want to cook instant noodle, wear make fart aja turn on the stove)
Do not be absurd. .. Another consistency. Also the temperature is not hot enough to initiate combustion.
Because dogs and cats are carnivores (meat eaters). Meat is rich in protein. Proteins contain much sulfur, so this animal farts smell more rotten. Other herbivores such as cows, horses, elephants, producing fart more, longer, louder sound, but relatively odorless. (So better keep the elephants at home rather than dog).
Flatus contains less oxygen, may experience dizziness if you just smell the fart too much. (So who had a hobby of fart smell, should dikurangin)
Colorless. If the color is orange like nitrogen oxide, will be found out who farted.
Acid, because it contains karbondioksisa (CO2) and hydrogen sulfide (H2S).
Dech really touching.
Sometimes .. when you cry .. no one who realizes
Your tears.
Sometimes .. when you are very sad .. nobody saw
Your heart pain.
Sometimes .. when you are happy .. nobody noticed
smile spread across your lips.