The woman had a mindset that
confusing ..? g agree if I say it ..??!!
Sometimes, what we think that by us (guys) are good and decent, but by women, what we do is futile and even tends to one at all ..
Look at his footage below:
If you say pretty tempting thought,
If you say ugly in suspected insult
When you say he's weak protest,
When you say he's mighty cry
I wish emancipation, but was told benerin tile, refused
nagging period equated with the guy)
I wish emancipation, but were told to stand at the bus instead pouting
(With a
nagging, selfish so does this guy have no sense)
I wish emancipation, sono pulled rickshaw
(With a
nagging, mending gw dah pecel sales)
I wish emancipation, were told to lift rice, sullen face
(With a
nagging, what guy ne .. gw dah tau heavy burden (2 mountains) masi told to lift beginian)
If in asking who is best in the proud, most said his mother,
but why yes ... more proud to be a career
while her mother is a housewife
When the fault diingatkankan, his face red ...
When you are taught face red,
When the flattered his face red,
If the angry red face,
On the question yes or no, he replied: silent
Asked no or yes, he replied: silent
Asked yes or yes, he replied: silent
Not asked or not, he replied: silent
When left in place even angry (we were told to be bothered shaman who can guess the answer)
In saying ceriwis angry,
Practically noisy cranky
Practically offended a lot of mouth,
But if virtually sociable wadow very happy ... whereas the same meaning
Practically fat engga healthy happy when our purpose so you know,
Practically emaciated were happy when we mean "why elo turn out this way !!!!"