Okay, without much heating, we begin first TIPS!
These tips woe for the pacaraners the hobby really touched touches her boyfriend. Usually males are hobby ya, but baseball is also the possibility chick hooked. The essence of fasting not resist the passions, so resist the lust ye-ye made although touch was heavy. but, the weight anyway? just a really heavy baseball only touch? Kan touch touch activity can be replaced with a race around the village, more healthy and laden local wisdom.
My friend, NurQomaruddin, never say if there will be a pair of two-third is syaiton. Well, that desire to stay awake, reduce the frequency of both-be a pair. Ato much as possible to avoid. Usually young people today pinter-pinter nih, both mode-duaannya sophisticated. There Tadarus together, study together, breaking fast together, watch a lecture KH Zainuddin MZ two, and two by two others. Be careful, do not contaminate milk sebelangan because of a drop of indigo. Nah cool to know.
It's ya, no prohibition is violated in fast when you perform rituals persuasions cis Pret. Usually the guys that frequent nih. Okay, that in breaking taboos is: lying. Rags persuasions Cis Pret vulnerable once with lies. Chubby girlfriend practically slim, small practically efficient, economical practically bald, ugly sort of handsome and loyal. Rather than rag cis Pret berbujuk cooed, you better switch the conversation to the theme of humanitarian themes such as: earthquake in sea, the poverty rate in Indonesia, prevention solutions trafficking of children, and others.
Well, make this Ramadan moment as a moment to bring your relationship into a more serious direction. Do not there-there wrote, do not let syaiton struggling in your relationship. Immediately take the full responsibility. Create a male, temuin ortunya and said aloud: "I like YOU. Er, I mean like with CHILD YOU!" Create a girl, start to negotiate with parents. "A hero, mah, Rina uda ama mas Jono very comfortable, fit already wealthy artisans selling postage stamps ama her. We wanted to bring this relationship into a serious direction .." Remember, friend. Blessed month of Ramadan.