Necktie that has motif to get slash, can be utilized for all man. Because, this
necktie special is designed for man what does have big body, skinny, high or little even.
9. Ensure your
necktie cords has dimple (little dent under concluding necktie). dimple that good being made before you enforce
necktie node. Begin with put your index finger on
necktie cloth right below node upon you will enforce
necktie cords. dimple shall duly lie in the middle
necktie node.
Maybe if this one example for you who want to dress up like a cowboy, for example for the yearbook.
Butterfly Ties
Maybe if in Indonesia, this kind of tie is normally used by a waiter at the hotel restaurants and the like. But, in other countries is not the case although there are also waitresses who wear
Bowtie also have varying shapes, too. There are four
bowtie shape of which in English is called Butterfly or Classic width of 2 to 2.5 inches, Diamond Point width 2 inches, width 3 Wide Style, 75 inches wide and 1.75 inch Straight Edge.
Formal Ties (Standard)
It's called the Four-in-Hand Knot
1. Wrap tie around the neck, the wide tie end position (Fuller) must be longer than the tip of the thin (thinner) and the cross, in which Fuller is on upper part thinner.
2. Rotate the width toward the back precisely at the bottom part of the tie is thin.
3. Pull back and turn the tie wide to the front again.
4. Pull the wide part up, input into the circle between the shirt and
5. Grasp and hold the front of the knots with his thumb and bring the width down to the circle past the front.
6. Move your finger, and tighten the knots with a curved shape to the shirt collar by holding the thin
tie and pull the knots so neat.
Formal Ties Other Forms
This name is Half-Windsor knot
1. The first step is still the same where the position wide on the upper part a small section after crossed.
2. Bring a large part to the back of his little
3. Bring a large part to the top.
4. Pull the tie through the large gap between the collar shirt with a
5. Bring a large part of tie to the front, on top of a small section from left to right.
6. Bring a large part had to back and up through loop between collar shirt and
7. Part of the point to
tie down through knot in front.
8. Use both hands to tighten the knots and the knots hold up to the collar of his shirt.