Different Types And Examples Of Breast Lump Benign Conditions - The majority of women who identify a breast lump in their chest normally panic, thinking that the lump is actually cancer.
Breast lumps can occur in both sexes and in almost all ages. Thankfully though, the majority of breast lumps is benign.
Breast lump benign conditions are not an unusual medical condition because the truth is, at least 60 percent of all women of reproductive age have it.
Breast lump benign conditions refers to breast tissue changes that are not cancerous. Eighty percent of all breast lumps that are biopsied turn out to be benign. So don’t assume right away that you’re bound to die soon simply because you have a breast benign condition. These lumps are usually not fatal so don’t trouble yourself. Bear in mind, however, that there are certain breast lump benign conditions that are linked with greater risk of developing cancer at a later time. With that said, one should not discount the importance of visiting the doctor in order to know for sure what your chances of getting cancer are.
There are several types of breast lump benign conditions. The most common are fibrocystic changes, hyperplasia, adenosis, fibroadenomas, phyllodes tumors, intraductal papillomas, granular cell tumors, fat necrosis and oil cysts, mastitis, and duct ectasia, to name a few.