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Natalie Grace Louisa (born in Jakarta, July 4, 1982, age 27 years) was a news anchor and journalist. He used to work at SCTV, ANTV, and now on TVOne. She is still news broadcaster Market, while also frequently appeared on evening news, Apa Kabar Indonesia, Latest News, and numerous other programs

Tina Talisa (born in Bandung, 24 december 1979) was a news anchor at the station TVOne Indonesia. Before becoming a news anchor she once worked as a dentist graduated from the Faculty of Dentistry, University of Padjadjaran in Bandung in 2001 and was also a finalist in 2003 daughter of Indonesia

Newsreader Seputar Indonesia (RCTI), a graduate of the University of Indonesia Department of International Relations is, emang news reader who always makes me membelalakkan eyes and ears wide open. Merdunya sound as if it penetrated into my mind unconcious until news was brought into the brain is firmly attached. Hmmmm hypnotis an extraordinary power.
Especially when the clay he wawancarain Hillari Clinton on the show anyway informativ Strikes hmmm ... abis deh. Joined RCTI in 2007, a beautiful woman born in Jakarta on 13 September 1980 before the Femina face 2000 winner.
He started his career as a reporter on Trans TV (2003) and then moved to TV7 as a reporter and News Presenter. Really good at English and French make this woman interviewed often gain confidence for the important people like Josh W. Bush

Eva Julie is a news presenter on Metro TV, brought several events such as Business Day, Metro Reality and World News. Eva joined in April of 2007. Previously, Eva is the host and assistant producer on SCTV.
Eva started her career as a reporter on SCTV, presents news, business, criminal and political. Eva earned his bachelor's degree in Economics at the University of Indonesia.
Eva was born in Surabaya and raised in Jakarta. Ever lived abroad at the time of the exchange student in Melbourne Australia. Eva speaks fluent Indonesian and English

Dewi Budianti Tirtamanggala (born 29 September 1985) was a TV One news presenter Presenter Morning, and is a graduate of the University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Programs Communications Year 2007

Arnie is a newspresenter Ardhini from TVRI, which usually appears in the News program archipelago. Starting a career in TV Journalism at the Metro, this girl end up tied at TVRI, attended one of inspiration and idol figures, namely Tengku Malinda.
Ardhini Arnie was born on November 29, 1984 in Makassar, and spent most of school (elementary-high school) in Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi. During school, Amie active in student council activities, Sport, and Studio Art.
In 2002, finished high school, Amie PBUD program and attended the University of Gajah Mada in Yogyakarta at the Faculty of Engineering Nuclear Engineering Department. Arnie college for 4 years, and during it also works part-timers in the various event organizers in Yogyakarta. After the lecture, namely in 2006, Arnie got married and decided to stay in Jakarta.
When Amie started a career in Jakarta, she applied as a reporter at one of the private TV station, which Metro TV. But after the escape followed the various tests are given, Arnie had to swallow disappointment for failing to be accepted due to be married. However, the above reference from some people, Amie was finally accepted as a freelance reporter for Metro TV Media Support Division.
With educational backgrounds Arnie is not of Communications or Journalism majors, of course, he experienced many difficulties when the early run that job. Not infrequently he also got an error that is actually not necessary. But with the support of producers, managers, and also his colleagues, Arnie finally able to learn a lot and finally prove his ability.

Frida Lidwina Tanadinata (born in Jakarta, June 23, 1974, age 35 years) is a Metro TV news presenter. He used to appear in Indonesia news program Now, News Flash, Night Metro, Metro World News and several other programs.
Frida was the youngest of three brothers from the couple Egi Kusnadi and Nellyanti Wijaya. He has a 174 cm tall and weighs 52 kg. Since elementary school, Frida already shown interest in the field of journalism that he would take courses in these fields at the University of California, Berkeley after completing secondary education at the CPC Sower.
He also earned a master's in finance at the University of Western Australia, Perth. Upon returning to Indonesia he had worked in a property investment company and started his career in journalism as a reporter on Trans TV. In 2004, he joined Metro TV.
In his first year at the station, he often took to the field to cover various events in the homeland. Soon he was entrusted to guide events Sports Corner (SC) on the recommendation of the Boy Noya, his fellow presenters on Metro TV. He also sometimes carried the news in English in three-language news program because of eloquence in that language. Since early 2008, he became a permanent program guide Indonesia Now with Dalton Tanonaka

Incidentally it while still a teenager, Shara had been a finalist Cover Girl, precisely in 1992. Shara Gadsam classmates in 1992, famous among others, Lulu Tobing and Cindy Fatika Sari

Fenny Anastasia was born in Solo, January 7, 1984. At the age of 7 years, Fenny was moved to Muntilan, a small town between Magelang and Yogyakarta, where he spent his school until high school.
Fenny's interest in the field of broadcast has been felt ever since still in school. In high school, Fenny never watched the show news, especially news of crime and imagine a news reader.
Fenny started this field of radio by a radio announcer at Radio UNISI Yogyakarta when Fenny enrolled in semester III (2003) at Sanata Dharma University, Yogyakarta. Very contrary to basic college Fenny who majored in History of Literature.
After a year on the radio, in 2004, Fenny start trying to add to the experience by becoming a newsreader on JogjaTV (when it was new standing), and sometimes a freelance reporter for one of our government programs in TVRI Yogya.
Lots of experience gained by Fenny with a radio announcer at once newspresenter TV at the time, although a bit troublesome to share with class schedules.
Fenny's interest against any TV journalism world is increasing and while still studying, in 2007, while still completing the final chapter thesis, Fenny also tested the ability to apply to Lativi're hiring.
After going through various stages of testing, Fenny also get the opportunity to work as a reporter-newspresenter in Lativi that not long ago turned into TVOne, and through it until now