On Monday I passed by, looked green gong still fresh (probably just made the same mbah). Tuesday .. Wednesday .. Thursday .. Friday I passed her, there is still gong that has been colored brown mossy greenish because of exposure to heat and rain .. (I think: Crazy, it's almost a week there is a behavior g ...) On Saturday I tried to stop and ask prices gong tu brapa money (though I also need a gong .. g) and the champion was sitting on the sidewalk while muttering his mouth (I think he was praying, dhikr so, because while holding the bracelet small beads which battered UDH)
Something like the conversation between the mbah gw:
Me: Grandma, its price kentongan 1 seed in?
Grandfa: Please, there are many, please choose .. (Kok ga ya think i disconnected)
Me: (repeat again) Mbah, it costs how much?
Grandfa: Ooh yes, are already somewhat lumutan, later mbah bersihin can kok .. (Waw, already rada ga ni clear his hearing)
Me: (with a few loud voices and try to approach it) Mbah, the house where?
Grandfa: (got up with difficulty and I took shake) Oooh, in the Cork area (red: Cork it kira2 5-6 km from the crime scene)
Me: (reply to shake from the mbah .. turns out her whole body trembling ..), Price kentongan how mbah? (While tetep kenceng preman rada ...)
Grandfa: 1 seeds 5 thousand course, still be negotiable kok ..
Me: (still curious only) Mbah from home on what is here?
Grandfa: Yes ride public transportation if there is money, if ga no, yes on foot .. 1x 4 thousand road because if ride public transportation .. (Mad, I Just 1 km road was struggling ..)
Me: Yes, already champion, I take it 2 ya gong .. (While serahin 10rb money, but I take the gong ga .. taste so Kasian aja ..
Grandfa: Lho, kok ga gong is taken?, Do so, leader selling goods so please take the goods.
Me: (embarrassed rada also nih ..) mbah Well, I'll invite friends for taking kentongannya, Nitip dech here first, hard if you take yourself (I lie because it would take kentongannya ga)
Grandfa: yes already, mbah wait ya .. lho real later taken .. usually mbah until 3 pm here ..
Me: good champion, excuse me ya mbah .. (I passed and a bit satisfied because it could "bohongin" tu ga champion and take kentongannya ..) Until that afternoon, at around 5's, I pass that road again .. Eeeh .. The champion remained there .. I just feel weird, because he told her to come home at 3 in the usual .. Finally I stopped too out of curiosity ..
Me: Why mbah, why not go home?
Grandfa: Well here it is, ditungguin from earlier came kok ga .. This gong was taken ya ..
Me: So I take kentongan mbah waiting for?
Grandfa: Yes indeed .. he said it was willing to take the gong .. mbah stay home if it is the same lie mbah ..
I am Very speechless .. don't know must say hell .. my chest hurts .. fully regret because this afternoon "bohongin" the champion .. Without being able to say anything, I finish to take the champion to go home ..
Me: yes've mbah, I take kentongannya .. all anther mbah gw deh home ..
Grandfa: wah, ga need .. far lho .. at this hour there may still be angkot kok .. before it can cash 10 thousand, can make public transportation ride home later .. (The more I hold back tears just heard perkataanya mbah ..)
Finally, with some "ngeyel" next, I managed to persuade the leader to return to his home between gw .. and the champion was forced i to bring 2 kentongan that .. Having arrived at his house, I was stunned clay house .. that is really beyond the shadow gw .. (Unfortunately I took the photo home ga
Pas gw between mbah it home, his house empty, he said sech wife and 1 child (girl) have lived there as well. But the champion said he lived there just tuch "sleeping passengers." His wife and son had ignored the champion again ga, ga well fed, so the champion every day hanging gong selling it at the curb. And more ironically, his wife had always liked it (sorry) "sell themselves" .. and now her son that she's also so ..
When farewell, I love greeting again (right hand shake, left hand I hold the upper arm of the champion let warm greetings impressed) .. Eeh, the champion really winced in pain, and his body trembled more and faster .. Apparently had been hit by a motorcycle champion, and his left arm was broken but could not been treated in hospital, the hips are also a little crack so to stand alone, the champion was shaking so heavily ..
Well, until her story here mbah Mangun. Agan introspection let us all together ..
how easily we are "wasting" money of 10 thousand, to buy cigarettes, for eat "fancy", for this .. make it .. On the other side of our lives, there are also people who make a stand, make a road, even wrote to tell them already difficult in the rest of his life that have been swallowed kerentaan ..
So, for i, if some sources say: "What you can give to this country?" or "Want to be remembered as do you?" or "Hail SUPER ..".. I can only say WTF? what kind of BS ...? "Fakir poor and abandoned children reared by the state" ... another kind of BS ... I include a small picture of the champion in the street, sorry if its image clear ga, I just take potluck gw pake hp which battered .. but the picture of the champion may enter in the inner recesses of all of us ..
Amen ...
We are sorry if there are words I was wrong .. I just simply sharing .. illustrates the fact that going on around us that sometimes we rarely care about, rarely understood, or even rarely know at all ..
For-agan agan or cyst-cyst surrounding a house in Salatiga, please make an appointment meeting up in order to raise funds to ease the burden slightly mbah Mangun.
This story I got from the forum kaskus .. For those who want to meet with the author of this story and for donating some money to mbah Mangun .. You can send a message to him .. id kaskus
For those outside the region also allowed.
This is his kaskus id: ronald_96