signs around
Lailat qadar, including: a tree fell down, the buildings sleep, fresh water turned salty, the dogs do not bark, and some clear
sign false and corrupted. So in this issue beliefs should not be believed except by virtue of the proposition, while the
signs of the above is clear kebathilannya in the absence of good arguments from the Koran or the hadith that support it.
Radliyallahu'anhu Ibn Abbas said: The Messenger shallahu'alaihi wa sallam said:
Lailat qadar is peaceful and quiet
night, not too hot nor too cold, the sun rises the next morning with weak red light" (Hadith hasan)
From Ubay bin Ka'ab radliyallahu'anhu, that the Prophet shallahu'alaihi wa sallam said:
"The next day the
night until sunrise
Lailat qadar high without rays bathtub tray" (Muslim)
As sometimes experienced by some companions of the Prophet radliyallahu'anhum
Abu Hurairoh radliyallahu'anhu once recalled: We had a discussion about
Lailat qadar on the Prophet shallahu'alaihi wa sallam, he said,
"Who of you who still remember when the moon appears, the size of half a tray." (Narrated by Muslim)
As a hadith, from Watsilah bin al-Asqo 'of the Prophet shallallahu'alaihi wa sallam:
Lailat qadar is a
night light, no heat, no cold, no clouds, no rain, no wind and nothing is thrown on that
night with a star (meteor toss for the devil)" (Narrated by at-Thobroni in al -Mu 'at al-Kabir with a chain hasan 22/59)