Multifarious Benefits Flowers Savory Nights - Luscious evening better known as
ornamental flowers. Its rewarding Wanginya seharum Jasmine calmed the hearts around it. However, the actual flower of the night had a number of benefits be delicate for health, ranging from treating complaints difficult to sleep, influenza, and rheumatism.
The interest comes from Mexico is also preferred in many countries. Japan society using flowers as a symbol of love luscious evening. In Thailand, the flowers are fragrant in the evening it is a favorite of the perangkai interest due to its fragrant and not easily wither.
The European Community to wear a flower named Latin Polianthes tuberosa Linn in religious ceremonies. It's no wonder when interest rates are known abroad under the name of this encountered adorn the altar tuberosa in churches.
Dark Lover
Its fragrance, which is not less with jasmine flowers make a luscious evening dubbed abroad as dangerous pleasure (pleasure being dangerous). It is not clear why it is called so. However, there is the ancient tahayul in France banning child girl inhaling fragrant flowers at night because it will bring a romantic atmosphere in themselves. The same is true of the prohibition in India for the same reason as well, so that the flower is named rat ki rani (dark lover).
Although there is a belief in India, the ancient medicine of India, Ayurveda, recognizes the benefits of flowers which are also referred to as the Sundanese sundel tonight for health. According to Ayurveda, luscious nights is known can improve one's peace of mind. These flowers could open your crown chakra, which improves a person's physical strength.
Luscious nights is also strengthening the artistic inspiration in someone because of their ability to stimulate the right side of the brain which handle part creativity. From stimulation of the right brain that luscious evening gives peace of mind and heart.
In traditional medicine community in Indonesia there is no such explanation in Ayurveda. However, our ancestors have been using the fragrance of flowers which are also called Yek Lai this afternoon to soothe the heart in mourning.
Decoration flower marriage ceremony on the night of luscious in Indonesia gave its passion for newlywed couples. This practice continued until now. Even the spa Manager sprinkled across the pond for bathing passage of flowers to give peace on the soaking.
Lower Heat
Unfortunately, unlike the lavender oil soothes the mind esensialnya is widely known, savory flower essential oils night hard to come by. According to Lisa Maliga, a writer at The Chamomile Times and Herbal News, there is no "essential oils" luscious flowers of the night. Therefore, these flowers are not resistant to high temperatures when distilled into essential oils.
Scientifically, a little new to benefit the health of the flower night light savoury. From the free Nutritious Plant Medicine Indonesia which was written by Prof. Hembing Wijayakusuma, h.m. expert traditional medicine and medicinal herbals, it is known that luscious nights are sweet, cool, and a bit tasteless. This plant is a nutritious lower heat (antipyretic effects) and eliminates swelling. Meanwhile, the chemical content of note is the sapogenin.
The plants used as medicine is part of the flowers and roots. Both can be processed for use outside and inside. Prof. Hembing suggested that treatment with the herb savory nights this was done on a regular basis. However, people with serious illnesses and weight should still consult a doctor.
Various Flower Recipes Savory Nights
Here are some recipes that use ingredients flowers luscious evening as it was written by Prof. Hembing Wijayakusuma h.m..
1. Cataracts, inflammation of the eye
Boil 50 flower petals savoury dinner with 1,500 cc of water to boil. Wait until winter. After a cold, used to wash the eyes.
2. Boil (Furunculus) and swelling (Edema)
Take the root of the luscious evening sparingly and then wash it clean. After that the finely mashed and paste on the sick.
3. hard to sleep, calm the mind and heart, the blood Enhancer, and Cloudy
Material: 30 flower petals, 15 grams of luscious evening kie cie (can be bought in drug stores in China), 1-2 pieces chicken livers, 2 cloves of garlic, shallot, 10 grams of ginger, pepper, salt, and soy sauce each sparingly. Slice the garlic and onion. Stir fry all the ingredients to cooking oil nonkolesterol to taste. Add the tapioca flour has been diluted to taste. Cook until cooked.
4. improve Stamina
Material: 50 flower petals luscious evening, 50 grams peanuts Pease, 1 egg chicken, 100 grams of shrimp, 10 grams of ginger, 2 cloves white onion 4 cloves. Stir fry all the ingredients to cooking oil nonkolesterol to taste. Do not forget to add the cornstarch which has been diluted. Cook until cooked.
5. sharpen your Vision
Material: 30 flower petals, 70 grams of luscious evening snow pea beans, 100 grams of meat chickens, 75 g carrots, 1 egg chicken, 10 grams of ginger, 2 cloves of garlic, 2 cloves onion, sweet soy sauce and salt to taste. Pieces of chicken meat and carrots. Then prepare the garlic and onion that has being. Stir fry all the ingredients to cooking oil nonkolesterol until cooked through.
6. Influenza
Material: 20 grams root savory nights, 15 grams of ginger, the garlic leaf stalks 2, 600 cc of clean water. Boil water until the remaining ingredients with half (300 cc). The stew water drunk twice each 150 cc.
7. Inflammation of the throat, Hoarse Voice, bad breath, Pain When Swallowing Food
Material: 20 grams root luscious evening, 25 grams of fresh sambiloto, 600 cc of clean water. Boil water until the remaining ingredients with half (300 cc). After that filter and drink twice a day each 150 cc.
8. Rheumatism
Material: 30 grams of luscious flowers, roots night 20 grams of Red ginger, sugar to taste, 400 cc of water. Boiled ingredients along with 400 cc of water to boil. Strain and for a two-part to drink twice a day.